Let’s take a moment to acknowledge how beautiful our planet is.
Think for a second: you know you’ve felt it before.
Maybe it’s a warm summer evening in August. You’re sitting on your dock at your cottage and the sun begins to melt into the horizon, turning a golden orange as the sky transforms into glorious hues of orange and red.
April 22nd marked National Earth Day, a global initiative created to acknowledge factors that are negatively impacting our planet. Protecting the environment has always been important, but it’s essential now more than ever.
There are things we can all do to reduce our environmental impact. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do right now.
Tip 1: Travel Responsibly
Currently, most of us are at home right now. Most of us are either off work or companies have switched to working from home. The number of cars on the roads have decreased significantly and non-essential air travel has come to a halt.
There have been pictures posted on social media and news articles about how the reduction of travel has positively impacted the environment.
Moving forward, once we return to normal–or, a new normal– taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint is important. Biking and walking when possible helps make a difference.
Who knows what life will look like after this pandemic is over. Maybe more companies will switch to working from home more frequently, which will help the environment!
Tip 2: When Shopping, Make Sustainable Choices
Making more conscious choices with your purchases can go a long way when you’re trying to help the environment.
Most grocery stores charge for plastic bags or have foregone plastic bags altogether. Bringing your own reusable bags is an excellent way to cut down on the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills. If you have difficulty remembering your reusable bags, try to keep them in your car. Or, if you go grocery shopping on a particular day, set a reminder in your phone so that you don’t forget.
Also, it’s never been easier to buy eco-friendly products. Shop second-hand when you can and try to buy less “stuff” overall.
Tip 3: Switch Off and Unplug
These days, we have an abundance of technology and means to stay connected with each other, which leaves more opportunity for devices and lights to be left on and plugged into the wall. Ensure you remember to turn off your lights and unplug your devices when you no longer need them to save an abundance of energy in the long-run.
Tip 4: Reduce The Amount of Waste You Produce
A third of all food produced every year is either lost or wasted. Cut back on the amount of wasted food by getting creative with your leftovers or have a compost bin to get rid of any remaining scraps. Compost can also be used as fertilizer if you have a garden going in your backyard!
Tip 5: Recycle
We know all about the importance of recycling by now.
Recycling helps reduce the amount of pollution caused by waste. Sometimes, you may be unsure of what items should be recycled. Recyclable items can be dependent on where you live (for example, did you know that, in Barrie, takeout coffee cups can go in the green bin, whereas the lids can be recycled?) so it’s best to check your city of municipality’s website.
At Georgian Waste, we work hard to sort through all materials that come into our facility. We ensure that all hazardous materials are handled properly and recyclable materials aren’t sent to the landfill.
Find out more about our services or give us a call at 705-424-0082.